Session related functions
Here are functions like login, logout, hello, poll
Hello request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<epp xmlns="">
Login request
Field name Min-max Field description
----------------------- ------- -----------------
<login> 1
<clID> 1 Username
<pw> 1 Password
<newPW> 0-1 Optional new password for EPP user
<options> 0-1
<version> 0-1 1.0
<lang> 0-1 en
<svcs> 0-1
<objURI> 0-n Object URI that is going to be used in current connection.
<svcExtension> 0-1
<extURI> 0-n Extension URI that is going to be used in current connection.
<clTRID> 0-1 Client transaction id
Logout request
Field name Min-max Field description
----------------------- ------- -----------------
<logout> 1
<clTRID> 0-1 Client transaction id
Poll request
Field name Min-max Field description
----------------------- ------- -----------------
<poll> 1 Rec for receiving messages, ack for dequeuing
Attribute: op="req / ack"
<clTRID> 0-1 Client transaction id